
normative / singola notizia



Apple: Comunicazione SVHC negli articoli sul web

Sul proprio sito internet Apple, come produttore di articoli, ha evidenziato la presenza di DEHP in concentrazione > 0,1% (p/p) nei cavi elettrici e negli adattatori elettrici costituiti da polivinilcloruro (PVC).
L’informazione è pubblicata all’indirizzo http://www.apple.com/environment/resources/faq.html all’interno delle FAQ:

Q  What is REACH, and how is Apple complying with the REACH regulation?

A  The Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation EC 1907/2007, commonly referred to as REACH, is a European regulation on chemicals and their safe use. With the publication of the candidate list for authorization on October 28, 2008, the European Chemicals Agency identified a set of substances of very high concern (SVHC) that manufacturers must disclose to customers if used in their products above 0.1%.
Based on the current version of the candidate list for authorization, Apple products do not contain SVHC above 0.1%, with the exception of AC power cords. AC power cords used in Apple notebooks, desktops, servers, displays, Apple TV, Airport Extreme, Time Capsule, and power adapters are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that contain the SVHC bis 2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate, also known as DEHP. Apple is in the final stages of developing and certifying PVC-free AC power cords that will also be free of DEHP.