


From customs classification to (if required) a free export declaration, we ensure compliance with global regulations for your international trade.
A product is to be subjected to import or export control that is governed by numerous EU and international regulations, depending on its composition (substance, mixture, or article) and its origin (import) or destination (export). Purchases or sales involving an economic operator based in a non-EU country require a structured and complex management approach to ensure compliance with international trade operations. The choice of the Incoterms rule, prior verification of the product's compliance for importation and its transport, verification of restrictions or bans for export based on the destination country, and the "informed" submission of customs declarations are just a few examples of the multidisciplinary management involved in import/export operations. In this complex regulatory framework, we are committed to guiding you to ensure the proper management of your product purchases or sales when the supplier or customer is based in a non-EU country. This approach helps you avoid customs clearance delays, administrative penalties, or criminal sanctions.


I nostri servizi di import/export control sono forniti da esperti in affari regolatori coinvolgendo, se necessario, esperti doganalisti o legali esperti nella normativa doganale per garantire la conformità delle operazioni di importazione e di esportazione. La verifica preventiva dello status regolatorio del prodotto rispetto a tutte le normative comunitarie ed internazionali applicabili costituisce il punto di partenza del nostro supporto.


Effettuiamo corsi di formazione personalizzati, sia multiaziendali che rivolti al personale aziendale: in presenza, on-line e in e-learning (videocorsi).


The dual use of products, including software and technology for civilian and military purposes, is governed by Regulation (EU) 2021/821, which requires a dual-use authorization issued by UAMA to the exporting company. The regulation aims to prevent the military use of products and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Our support focuses on classifying exported goods, dual or non-dual, based on their chemical composition and, in the case of articles, on the characteristics of the components and materials used in their production through an expert evaluation.


The export and import of hazardous chemicals are regulated by Regulation (EU) 649/2012, commonly known as PIC (Prior Informed Consent). The regulation implements the Rotterdam Convention, aiming to protect human health and the environment from the risks posed by the use of certain hazardous chemicals traded internationally. We identify any applicable obligations for imported or exported substances or mixtures and carry out regulatory activities under PIC, such as requesting the reference identification number (RIN), standard or special.

Substances that deplete the Ozone layer

The ozone layer protects humans and other living beings from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Continued emissions of ozone-depleting substances cause significant damage to the ozone layer, with severe repercussions for human health, ecosystems, and the biosphere. Regulation (EU) 2024/590, which repealed Regulation (EC) 1005/2009, provides control measures that significantly contribute to restoring stratospheric ozone and reducing climate warming. Our support focuses on identifying substances included in the regulation and their related legal obligations.


The regulation of drug precursors is essential to combat illicit trafficking and protect public health. Flashpoint helps ensure compliance by implementing monitoring and reporting systems that safeguard your business and contribute to the fight against drug trafficking.


The management and control of chemical weapon precursors are governed by stringent international regulations aimed at preventing the proliferation and use of these hazardous substances to ensure transparency and protect the global community. Flashpoint is committed to providing specialized consultancy to ensure compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), offering support in declaration, monitoring, and verification procedures.


EU regulations establish due diligence obligations along the supply chain for importers of tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, and minerals originating from conflict-affected or high-risk areas, promoting responsible sourcing practices that do not contribute to armed conflicts, human rights violations, or abuses. At Flashpoint, we assist in identifying and mitigating risks associated with your supply chain.