
AREE DI INTERVENTO > Dangerous Goods Transport

Dangerous Goods Transport

Expertise in motion: we ensure safe journeys for your dangerous goods. The process of transporting dangerous goods is an activity many companies consider secondary, almost accessory to their business. However, it is a critical aspect because it involves risks and responsibilities that cannot be avoided but, if well managed, can become a strength. Flashpoint can guide you on this path of awareness and growth: focus your energy on your core business, and we will handle the risks of the journey.
The management of dangerous goods encompasses various operational activities and multiple operators. However, there is often a lack of awareness regarding the roles and legal provisions that must be followed to ensure the safe management of all activities related to the transport of dangerous goods. Shipping, Transport, Packaging, Loading, Filling, and Unloading are all operations subject to specific regulatory provisions to ensure safety, which all actors in the supply chain must observe. The transport of dangerous goods occurs through various modes, each governed by specific regulations covering shipments at national, European, and non-EU levels:
  • ADR Agreement for road transport
  • RID Regulations for rail transport
  • IMDG Code for maritime transport
  • ICAO/IATA DGR for air transport
Often, transports are multimodal, involving multiple consecutive modes. Not all entities subject to related responsibilities are always aware of their involvement, as a deep understanding of the regulations is required, including knowledge of points of contact and overlap between different regulations. At Flashpoint, we strive to simplify this regulatory complexity along a clear and secure path for your dangerous goods and, most importantly, for your business: together, it will be a journey full of achievements.


I nostri servizi sono studiati per l’operatore di riferimento: che tu sia Speditore/Trasportatore/Imballatore/Caricatore/Scaricatore/ Riempitore abbiamo la soluzione studiata per la tua realtà. Nell’ambito del trasporto su strada supportiamo il Consulente ADR interno all’Azienda (o il libero professionista) e ricopriamo questo ruolo per le organizzazioni che preferiscono esternalizzare la funzione di Consulente per la Sicurezza dei Trasporti ai sensi del D.Lgs. 35/2010. Qualunque sia il percorso l’obiettivo è sempre lo stesso: la conformità a garanzia della sicurezza, per te, per i lavoratori, per l’ambiente, per tutti noi.


Corsi di formazione personalizzati, sia multiaziendali che rivolti al personale aziendale: in presenza, on-line e in e-learning (videocorsi).


The ADR Agreement and the RID Regulation govern the land transport of dangerous goods and set the criteria for the mandatory appointment of the DGSA (Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor). At Flashpoint, we fulfill this role for all organizations entrusting us with the management of their dangerous goods and support independent professionals serving as DGSA according to ADR and RID. We have always believed in the culture of dangerous goods and are committed to promoting it.


Similarly to road and rail transport, maritime and air transport follow specific requirements concerning the packaging, labeling, loading, and shipment of goods. We support you to ensure your goods travel safely to all destinations.


In most shipments, goods travel through multiple modes of transport, requiring particular attention, as in the case of lithium battery transport, where shipments are steadily increasing. Technology and innovation, however, must always travel safely.


In today’s global context, marked by increasing security threats, the implementation of an effective Security Plan is essential. Turn to Flashpoint for support in defining a strategy to prevent, manage, and mitigate potential security risks associated with the transport of goods and people. An effective Security Plan increases trust among customers, suppliers, and investors, demonstrating your organization’s commitment to protecting people, operations, and supply chains.


Waste represents a unique category of goods subject to a complex regulatory framework, and matters become even more challenging when hazardous waste is transported by road. This is where we come in: we guide you through the regulatory landscape to help you take the right path.


Loading goods is a critical operation, not only for dangerous goods but for all packages transported on a vehicle. Our multidisciplinary team is capable of performing the calculations needed to ensure the proper securing of goods on the transport vehicle. This guarantees operator safety, eliminates risks to the public, and prevents damage to your products.